Delay & Reverb

Enter your BPM below to discover the optimal reverb timings and precise delay times with their corresponding LFO frequencies for your track.
Use and abuse but let your ears be the final judge.

Bpm of your track:

Reverb Times

Reverb SizePre-Delay (ms)Decay Time (ms)Total Reverb Time (ms)
Tight Ambience- (1/4 Note)3.91496.09500.00
Small Room- (1/2 Note)15.63984.381000.00
Large Room - (1 Bar)31.251968.752000.00
Hall - (2 Bars)62.503937.504000.00

Delay Times & LFO frequencies

Note ValueNotesDottedTriplet
1/1 - (1 Bar)2000.00 ms
0.50 Hz
3000.00 ms
0.33 Hz
1333.33 ms
0.75 Hz
1/2 - (1/2 Bar)1000.00 ms
1.00 Hz
1500.00 ms
0.67 Hz
666.67 ms
1.50 Hz
1/4 - (1/4 Bar)500.00 ms
2.00 Hz
750.00 ms
1.33 Hz
333.33 ms
3.00 Hz
1/8 - (1/8 Bar)250.00 ms
4.00 Hz
375.00 ms
2.67 Hz
166.67 ms
6.00 Hz
1/16 - (1/16 Bar)125.00 ms
8.00 Hz
187.50 ms
5.33 Hz
83.33 ms
12.00 Hz
1/32 - (1/32 Bar)62.50 ms
16.00 Hz
93.75 ms
10.67 Hz
41.67 ms
24.00 Hz
1/64 - (1/64 Bar)31.25 ms
32.00 Hz
46.88 ms
21.33 Hz
20.83 ms
48.00 Hz
1/128 - (1/128 Bar)15.63 ms
64.00 Hz
23.44 ms
42.67 Hz
10.42 ms
96.00 Hz
1/256 - (1/256 Bar)7.81 ms
128.00 Hz
11.72 ms
85.33 Hz
5.21 ms
192.00 Hz
1/512 - (1/512 Bar)3.91 ms
256.00 Hz
5.86 ms
170.67 Hz
2.60 ms
384.00 Hz

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